Saturday, December 13, 2008

Case study-John F Kennedy assassination

US president John Kennedy was assassinated on Friday 22 November 1963 Dallas, Texas. The bullet that killed him passed through his neck and into the shoulder of Governor John Connolly who was in front of him.
The investigation into the assassination of the Warren commission took ten months between 1963-1964, the united states house select committee on assassinations (HSCA) of 1976-1979 and other goverment investigations have concluded that the president was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswold.The assassination is still the subject of widespread debate and has spawned numerous conspiracy theories and alternative scenarios. In 1979, the HSCA found both the original FBI investigation and the Warren Commission Report to be seriously flawed. The HSCA also concluded that there were at least four shots fired and that it was probable that a conspiracy existed. Later studies, including one by the National Academy of Sciences, have called into question the accuracy of the evidence used by the HSCA to support its finding of four shots.
A photo of the presidents path.


Microscopes trace their history back almost 1200 years with Abbas Ibn Firnas's corrective lenses. The first true microscope was made around 1595 in Middelburg, Holland. Three different eyeglass makers have been given credit for the invention: Hans Lippershey, Hans Janssen; and his son, Zacharias. The coining of the name "microscope" has been credited to Giovanni Faber, who gave that name to Galileo Galilei's compound microscope in 1625.
Microscopes are used to see microscopic things that are too small to see through a magnifying glass or by the naked eye.

Robert Hooke's microscope
Uses: Small sample observation
Notable experiments: discovery of cells
Inventor: Hans Lippershey, Hans Janssen

Saturday, December 6, 2008


This is good for separating dissolved substances that have different colours, such as inks and plant dyes. It works because some of the coloured substances dissolve in the liquid better than others, so they travel further up the paper. This method can be used to find out which dyes make a ink. A spot of ink is put on a piece of paper and is placed in water which when the water travels up the paper it takes the dyes with it and each dye travels a certain distance because of its solubility.